Monday 14 October 2013

Exercise: Themed collage and painting

I started this exercise by printing photographs of paintings, drawings and sketches I had completed earlier in this part together with actual photographs often chosen orchid. I then cut out and tore out a number of the images:-

First collage :-

I decided to try to identify light and dark areas and seriously consider shape and form so I decided to paint in one tone only. I loved the results of the indigo watercolour in the previous exercise when I used it in the random collage. 

After completing a tonal painting I referred back to the exercise wording which recommends working over the painting again using another's media. That sent me into a a panic! Here is the painting before the addition of oil pastel :-

I am generally happy with the painting, having fairly successfully kept the lighter areas light and emphasised the darker areas. I was tempted to go all illustrative again with an ink pen but held back and went for oil pastel which j feel gas ck tributes well to the finished finished painting, I am not sure huge contrast was what was needed and I an comfortable with outcome of the oil and watercolour combination. It's interesting when I look at the painting directly next to the collage, I seem to have created depth in the painting that wasn't present in the original collage. 

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