Monday 14 October 2013

Exercise: Collage made from random elements

I tore up and cut up the pieces if random fabric and paper, the pile even before I had progressed to making the collage was really interesting in texture and contrast 

I have chosen colours which I feel tie in toy chosen theme without actually using photographs of orchids. I may try that shortly! 

Drop 1!

Drop 2

Reviewing the composition:-

At the moment I am not sure there is any cohesion to the collage, there are areas if light and dark, but in all honesty it simply looks like paper dropped on an A2 sheet. 
If I look closely I can see some pattern, perhaps repeated forms at the bottom centre with the triangle of the elbow and the triangle if fabric behind it. Triangles do seem to be a fairly common shape reoccurring however I do like the layered nature of the triangle in the bottom of the collage. The tonal contrasts between the fuschia   and the brown "hair" are reminiscent of the colours featured in my first few orchid sketches. I think there is scope for linking areas, perhaps creating a lower and upper area. 

I have now worked into the collage using just wax crayon and watercolour so far:-

I am not sure if I am loosing my way or direction with this collage. It really doesn't seem to have any cohesion, I have made repeated use of triangles and explored the way the watercolour sits with the torn paper and fabric yet it seems just to be a collection of interesting textures and elements on one page! 

There us one section featuring wax crayon markings and torn paper which us reminiscent of Wassily Kandinsky's work:-

And another section where I have used indigo watercolour alongside two boldly coloured scraps which ended up alongside each other :-

And finally for the close up photos I like the say the watercolour has soaked into the edges of the paper and fabric creating really interesting staining:-

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