Monday 21 October 2013

Exercise: Free expression - Ant story

I started with stylised grass leaves drawn quickly using wax crayon in yellow, green and blue. I then started to paint the grass spears in different tones of green. I then realised that perhaps this was all a little too obvious, ie I had simply magnified grass. So I decided to paint the remaining fronds in hot pink, as this is such an artificial looking colour. 

I think given this is the first attempt in painting from inside my head it is unsurprising that my painting had ended up "looking like" something. 

So I then decided to take further photos isolating some of the linear features of the painting. I think thus process has moved the image further to abstraction. 

To answer the questions in the exercise:-

A) The title did summon up an image immediately for me, it gave me a feeling of minute ness compared to the very large world around me. 

B) The suggested exaggerated shapes, and perhaps a feeling of looking up towards a sky that was not really visible behind the large objects intruding overhead.

C) For thus painting I had a very clear idea at the outset for what I would like to achieve, however the palette changed significantly as I tried to stick by the requirement of not making sure there is an identifiable object. I think this painting fails here. 

D) the completion of the green led to the decision to introduce pink, a deliberate attempt to move the painting away from the obvious grass association. 

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