Wednesday 9 October 2013

Exercise: mixed media on coloured and white paper

Initial colour studies on white paper:-

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Initial sketches on coloured paper:-

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Painting 1:-

Non permanent ink
Wax crayon
Chinese white
Pva glue mixed with watercolour

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I am starting to think that the trick with mixed media is knowing when to stop. I selected the yellow orchids from my preparatory sketches and decided to start working on the coloured ground first. The initial effect o working on a coloured ground is that the painting seems to have life to it even when it is only just begun. Where I have used resist techniques in the stem and leaf the areas left "white" are not as jarring with the rest of the composition. Using non permanent ink first meant that I have ended up with quite a loose effect once I have added watercolour. I used PVA glue for the leaf at the bottom. I feel this has contributed to the fairly waxy feel of the leaves of an orchid - and although this effect is not immediately dramatic and obvious I am happy with how it contributes to the overall painting.

Painting two:-

Oil pastel
Wax crayon
PVC glue and watercolour
Ink blocks

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I really liked the suggestion in the course material of commencing painting two using a different medium to start with. This felt really liberating - I started with oil pastel - without pencil lines to help! I felt that intially this made it look like a child's drawing, but the building of later layers proved this to be a good basis to work on. I then worked over the oil pastel using PVA glue mixed with watercolour to give definition to the bloom and leaves - in particular I was thinking of the petals of the orchid - these have an almost succulent effect - and I think the pva represents this quite effectively.  I then used ink blocks combined with watercolour - I think the ink blocks add translucency to the painting and and work well in combination with the watercolour.

Although I am overall happy with the outcome of painting two - I feel it is lacking something - and I do think that lies in the white ground, I think it leaves the painting lacking atmosphere.

I dont really feel these paintings have moved me to abstraction yet, I think that is going to have to be a concious effort....I think I was much more concentrating on the combination of media for these two paintings.

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