Monday 21 October 2013

Exercise: Free expression

Before working in this exercise I spent some time browsing the work of Wassily Kandinsky. A book which I had got from the library; Kandinsky Author Michael Robinson was a particularly helpful book as the layout is simply a reproduction of a painting on the right hand side and a summary of the painting on the left, a very readable format.

“If I wanted to characterize myself, I would say : constantly, chronically restless. Yes that is the possibly surprising but strict truth,,,,,not a moment’s rest you understand. Am always excited, my heart always feels different things simultaneously…..There’s plenty of joy in my heart. I love life so very much.”

Vasily Kandinsky 1903

It’s a strange thing. I do “like” Kandinsky’s art but I am not sure I actually understand it! As there are many and varied works to look at I decided to look firstly at what media he used, these vary significantly. He uses oil on canvas, oil on board, watercolour, pen and brush, gouache, indian ink, paper and cardboard. It seems that much of his work is exploratory, but when viewed with a title it gives a more cohesive impression.
I decided I would like to review a number of his watercolour works which also at times include other media and was really spoiled for choice in terms of variety of work., in fact some of the work looks as though it could have been completed by different artists it is so diverse.

Gelb Rosa (Yellow Rose), 1929 Watercolour, pen and black ink on paper
For me what's interesting about this image is the harsh contrast bewteen the black lines and even squares and the soft sprayed appearance of what appears to be heavily saturated colour sprayed onto the page. The image is also dominated by a curving soft line which appears to break up the harshness. What does this painting do for me? I like the sprayed effect of the watercolours, in fact he has painted his washed and blocks so evenly it does not in my opinion look like a watercolour painting, definitely a effect to try!
Launelinie (Mood Lines), 1927 Watercolour, gouache and indian ink on paper
I simply love the movement and curves of this piece and it was interesting to read about this piece that it is possibly related to the music of Stravinsky as his music was known to be an inspiration for Kandinsky, as with Yellow Rose it has sprayed paint over wonderful warm colours and curving shapes. As I look at this piece of work I feel that it would be an interesting exercise to translate this in textile....but that's for another time!
Blurred, 1932 Watercolour on paper

This painting is a real contrast from the two paintings above, the blurring of the paint and the more free style seems much more personal and unrestrained. I like the fact you can "tell" its watercolour it look as though some sort of soluble media has been used for the blurred lines, as it seems to have been drawn on like crayon. Its interesting that some of the lines have been left "drawn" and others have been blurred, and the tonal changed through the layering of translucent washes have remained clear and not become muddied, particularly the viridian over orange.
Composition 1930 Watercolour, pencil and ink on paper
This painting is suggestive of a sailing boat circumnavigating a buoy which is represented by the flag. What really jumps out to me about this painting is the beautiful layering of washes around the orange triangle, and the colours chosen are not colours I would combine particularly the inclusion of purple lake or permanent rose which is surprising but fairly harmonious. I am seeing here the really clever use of colour.

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