Tuesday 15 October 2013

Exercise :- Magnification

Chosen image for magnification, I am quite surprised at his clear a photograph taken on my phone is :-

Initial sketchbook sketch:-

The paper in my sketchbook isn't as good quality but I quite like the seeping of the paint into the paper, and might consider the use of collage using a combination of sketchbook and watercolour in a painting. The wax markings have also worked to good effect for the lighter areas on the petals.

Cool colours filling in linear areas:-

I like the way this experiment gave me opportunity to review the shapes within the composition, I tried not to get too drawn into to detail of the inner parts of the orchid but I feel it's the detail which pulls the composition together! 

Monochrome, watercolour painting using lamp black with oil pastel on A3 watercour paper.

Mixed media interpretation using wax crayon, ink and watercolour 

Initial crayon sketch

Crayon with assorted warm toned ink washes:-

Close up images of areas of jnterest following initial wash over wax crayon :-

Final painting which has been further worked over using watercolours:-

I really am pleased with the abstract way this painting has turned out, and looking at it for a whe has allowed me to focus on an area of interest which I think I will explore in collage, I have also decided to review that same area in my other paintings:-

After considering the form in the above close up photos I decided to reproduce that particular area in an A3 collage. I used a combination of a greetings card with a rose image, to continue to floral theme, and watercour paper that i had previously painted and used salt on for texture. I separated the image for collage into three dominant areas, with a dividing area in the centre diagonal simply stained in a watercolour wash. 

After I had finished the collage I reviewed it alongside my other work. I feel this is a good first step to abstract painting. It reminds me of the work of Judy Chicago in particular her birth project series of embroideries. That was an artist study which I did not really enjoy, but had massive benefits for me in developing how I view abstract art. For the first time some of my art has evoked an emotional response in me.I am not going to explain fully in writing here what emotions this collage had evoked but I have decided to call this collage "Waiting 3" 

To summarise, I have enjoyed this exercise immensely, and have really enjoyed the discoveries of shape and form in the magnification process.

I reviewed the above collage a couple of days after I thought I had finished it and decided that the viridian areas were not really part of the painting. To tie it into the collaged areas I have Introduced shading  using permanent rose to teflect the vibrant pink tones in the collaged greetings card pieces. 

The painting may it may not be finished, this may or may not be the last edit of thus blog post! 

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