Monday 16 April 2012

Tones in several layers - final painting

I really enjoyed this approach, I was a little hesitant towards the end of this painting to "overdoo" the layers and build it up too much but on comparing this painting with the previous photo I am happy I took the plunge and added some much darker areas - I think the bananas and apple in particular have benefited from the extra deep tones as this has developed the shadow thus maing them look more 3D and less flat and lifeless. I think the layering of tones has also worked particularly well in creating believeable shadows. I think this painting is once which I have spent the most time on so far in this course! I do feel that the time spent is evident - and as referred to previously in my notes though the process of laying the washes can be repetitive and I need patience to allow the layers to dry betweek applications, with care I can ensure the paper is not too wet and therefore dries quite quickly.

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