Monday 30 April 2012

Project 3 Tone and Composition - Interior

April 2012 042 by Miriam Ward
April 2012 042, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

Composition of an interior. I painted this interior in burnt sienna. was quite surprised about how long this painting took, including waiting for the layer to dry between washes. I think the final painting is interesting in that leaving the window areas with only one wash this looks so much brighter once the additional layers are dry, and built over one another. I dont really feel as though the photograph has dont this painting justice - the burnt sienna seems to have really well represented the warmth of the sun streaming into the room. It was hard not to paint the pattern of the wallpaper.

I think scaling up from still life was really quite a challenge - I wanted to capture the individual details of objects in the room but had to remind myself to exclude the details. I also didnt know where to "look".

I think the exercises in this course have really helped me to separate out tones and recognise that through using lighter washes of the same colour I can make an area of my painting look quite different to another more tonally deep area.

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