Monday 30 April 2012

Project 3 Tone and Composition - Imaginary Rooms

April 2012 049 by Miriam Ward
April 2012 049, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

I always thought I had a fairly vivid imagination - until being asked to paint an imaginary one. I felt that I had to begin with a window as that would give me my light course for placement of the shadows in the appropriate. Having found the dramatic interiors exercise difficult this one seemed even more of a challenge! I decided to try prussian blue for this exercise. The prussian blue seems to have dried in an interesting mottled texture. I really enjoyed building the layers of wash in this exercise and was really carefull to consider where the shadows would be - painting from my imagination really was very different from painting an observed item! I left the window clar of wash to try to ensurethis remained the brightest part of the painting, and then only applied a pale wash to the reflected window on the floor.

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