Monday 30 April 2012

Project 3 Tone and Composition Dramatic Interiors

April 2012 047 by Miriam Ward
April 2012 047, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

This was the second attempt at the bathroom, this time with the light off. Its interesting as when I look closely at the finished painting the blue tones of the paynes grey seem to have become almost opaque on edges of the toilet and bath. With the light off it wasnt difficult to create the drama by concentrating on much darke washes over the majority of the painting then "highlighting" in darker mixes certain areas of the room such as the corner of the room furthest from the viewer. I have to admit to struggling to then highlight the edges of the bath but I had tried to keep these genuinely light areas as clean as possible. With these exercises I am definitely finding the light pencil lines a great help in separating out and defining areas for light, mid and dark tones.

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