Monday 30 April 2012

Project 3 Tone and Composition - Dramatic Interiors

April 2012 044 by Miriam Ward
April 2012 044, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

I found this exercise really quite difficult! The bathroom in my house does not have a window, therefore it is lit with a light. I decided to try to paint the bathroom firstly with the light on then with the light off. For both paintings I used paynes grey (I am fascinated with this block of colour, sometimes it appears blue, and at others it seems black or grey).

This painting is completed with the light on, it was really difficult to capture a white bathroom in a "black" paint! However as it sat outside the bathroom and looked for quite a while I found that there were shadows which could be painted to then show the outlines of the bathroom suite. Once I started to paint I found that the main factor was that I had to ensure I did not paint it too darkly so I kept the individual washes very light and then gently highlighted areas with a slightly darker wash in the darker areas.

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