Wednesday 2 May 2012

Project 4 Colour Still Life with colourful objects - reflective notes

  • I think the greens and yellows work well against the dark red background, they don't appear to be working against each other, I think because each of the tones are "warm" tones. Despite the warmth of the tones though the vibrant bright yellow seems to add light to the overall finished painting. The mug does not seem to leap off the page in quite the way the fruit does, but perhaps this more muted tone gives balance to the overall painting?
  • The shading on the fruit has worked well, as previously mentioned on my logbook notes, I am pleased to see how some darker colours have contributed well to give depth to the rounded shapes of the fruit. I also think the reflected colour of the lemon in the apple and the mug serve to pull the whole painting together.
  • I think perhaps I could have included a more vibrantly coloured object instead of the mug, perhaps on blue to give more contrast in the painting and introduce a cooler colour - even if it had been a light blue or pal purple.
  • The red fabric together with the shadows was quite difficult to reproduce, and I was hesitant at first to introduce black to the red to really darken the tone however once I had tested this on my scrap watercolour paper I was quite happy with how it looked with the darkest red tones.
  • I think the hardest parts of this painting were to keep the colours clean, and to keep the lightest areas of the painting light.

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