Wednesday 2 May 2012

Project 4 - Colour Working with greys and browns

April 2012 061 by Miriam Ward
April 2012 061, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

I found painting this still life really quite a challenge - I think mostly because I did not really enjoy the colours i was seeing before me. I followed the technique of many layers built tonally which I am now really enjoying as an approach to painting, and I think suits me as it probably reigns me in from being too "enthusiastic" and sloshing paint everywhere!

I found I did not really understand the "patterns" referred to in the course material, I understand that patterns are a repetition of a colour/image, and I can see how this might apply but feel the link is quite a tenuous one.

I have found that the practice of leaving the dark areas/details to the end of the painting is a very helpful way for me to proceed with the painting, and also the multiple layers give me time to reflect away from the painting and return to it with fresh eyes after the painting is dry, ready to proceed with the next layer.

I like the relationship between the vibrant orange of the satsuma and the pearl grey of the small vase (though the vase was a pain to draw! I am still unhappy with the finished shape of that item).

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