Friday 4 May 2012

A few washes in....Assignment 2

May 2012 073 by Miriam Ward
May 2012 073, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

This photograph was taken when I had laid down a couple of initial washes. Tonally it is clear here where items are supposed to be, their relationships with the other objects, the reflections in the black pot and the background washes. Due to the papery whiteness of the orchids I decided to use a small amount of masking fluid for the orchids to protect these areas from the many tonal washes which would inevitably be sloshing past the orchids not matter how much care I took! I also considered use of the masking fluid for the white areas of the red and yellow pepper however felt that with care and as these items would be washed on a smaller scale it was most appropriate to leave these items free of masking fluid and take extra care with my painting.

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