Thursday 3 May 2012

Warm and Cold Colours - Summary notes

  • I think its quite difficult to define which is the most "successful" of the approaches to the paintings below. I think the outcomes are very very different though and I think the decision over which is "better" will lie with each individual beholder.
  • The still life paintings of real objects are accurate, and I think more closely represent the items viewed. the paintings completed from memory seem to be far more evocative of emotions as memories are such special things, and I really enjoyed the exercise which pushed me to delve into long since "forgotten" images and experiences.
  • I think my preference perhaps if for painting still life images, but perhaps with a free-er hand, I particularly enjoyed the fast paintings in an earlier exercise which was then added to with ink, I felt it had real life and energy to it.
  • Putting the pictures together showed me a real contrast in my style of painting when painting from memory or observed objects, I think the memory painting appeared more vague and perhaps rose tinted than the accurate representation of the small still life compositions. it seems I am still very concious of form and line in the still life paintings and perhaps more concious of accuracy of colour, however the memories seem to be far more spontaneous compositions, and I was unconcerned when the paints began to smudge and blend, the tomato even looks as though it has been sat on, but I really like the smudged effect - interestingly I don't think I would be happy with this smudged effect on an observed still life, I would feel perhaps I was not painting what I saw.

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