Friday 4 May 2012

Assignment 2 - Finished Painting

May 2012 079 by Miriam Ward
May 2012 079, a photo by Miriam Ward on Flickr.

This is the finished painting for Assignment 2. I have found that the inclusion of the darker details of at the very end of the painting really do brink the finished piece to life and give it a completeness which seems to be so lacking as I am progressing through the various stages. I am particularly pleased with how the peppers look with the dark highlights on their stems, and the onion with its dark, almost black markings on the skin. On looking back to my watercolour and ink painting its interesting to see that this piece has much smoother colour in the leaves, whereas the piece which takes many more hours has resulted in a far more variegated appearance, I think this is due to me looking and looking and painting what I have actually seen rather than assumed I had seen.

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