Monday 15 July 2013

Looking more closely at painting water

I have been giving thought to different approaches to painting water, and came across this article in the artist magazine. Although the article is not specifically about painting water the finished paintings caught my attention. 

The image at the top of this page caught my attention, the use of stippling and pointillism in various depths of the same shade are really effective in portraying the  sunlight on moving water. 

The painting at the bottom of the above page is really interesting in its monochrome approach and the changing angle if the individual strokes giving the watery effect. The use of shadows is also clever as that adds movement by breaking up the image further as the reflection is shattered. 

This final page of the article is one that jumps out at me, it's a clever combination of wet on wet, hard lines, blending and negative space, the area of water to the right of the gondola is amazing and the wavy black line symbolic of the shadow cast by the gondolas on the rippling water is really clever in its simplicity. 

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