Tuesday 2 July 2013

Exercise - Sky dominated landscape

Preliminary sketch for sky dominated landscape, I am finding that sketching prior to embarking in a painting really does give me a head start and another way of looking at the scene and landscape and positioning it as a composition for the final painting. 

Further preliminary sketch and colour study. It's challenging to try to use fading tones to imply distance while also showing shadow, particularly on the buildings to the right. It looks as though some blending of colour wet on wet will be needed particularly for the wall in the foreground. 

Pencil sketch and first wash with cloud areas lifted off, now it's dry I am not happy that the wash is deep enough so a second layer is needed. 

It felt quite scary to wash over my beautiful fluffy clouds with another layer of blue wash (ultramarine and cerulean), but I think the risk paid off, I am happy that the painted sky is far more reflective if the depth of blue. 

The above painting shows the initial layers of paint on the buildings in the foreground, still a few more layers of colour to go here. 

Final painting "clouds and chimneys" this has been an interesting exercise, o enjoyed spending the time on the sky, and seeing my cloud formations contributing to a finished piece. I still feel as though I am floundering a little with my feedback, I worry if I put to much detail in that I loose some of the atmosphere and spontinaety and that perhaps the piece looks a bit too contrived or "illustrative" rather than being able to demonstrate a mood. I suppose as I continue to paint my own style will show itself and I guess I need to strike a balance between taking on board the learning and teaching in the course and developing my own style. 

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