Friday 28 June 2013

Exercise - Aerial perspective in rural landscape

Pencil sketch outlining contours of landscape 

Tonal painting over light pencil sketch focussing in fading of colour into the distance 

Pencil sketch outlining different aerial landscape view

Tonal painting depicting mountain range receding into the distance indicated by paler tones on the far mountain range

I found this exercise to be really worthwhile as progression on from painting the urban landscape. I found the suggestion of painting the features in the distance a paler to e really helpful in trying to suggest depth and distance, it's interesting that I do not think I would have necessarily realised this without having it spelled out! 

The weather was particularly damp when I painted these images of grizedale forest, and I think this served to emphasise the change in tone in the distance and the coolness of the colours further away. 

In my opinion keeping this exercise less intense and not worrying about accuracy gave me the freedom to explore the concept being taught. 

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