Tuesday 18 June 2013

Exercise: Distance - linear perspective drawing and painting

Further sketch using black aquamarker

Another sketch focussing more on line using a aquamarker which has been softened with a wet paintbrush

Initial Pencil sketch using soluble graphite

Mixed media sketch of urban landscape on A3

Following my hospital stay I have been feeling unwell for a week and not creative at all, but ever so concious that I really need to maintain momentum with my watercolour studies. I really didn't feel like painting today so I decided to try a couple of sketches in aquamarker first just loosely to see if I felt like doing any more work. Still being in pain I felt concentration was a major factor which is why I decided to have a bit of a play using the aquamarkers and sketching the same scene again. Fortunately the weather is being kind! Having made a start I felt I would like to work more in my watercolours so decided to have a try at at painting the scene on A3 paper. Once I started I found I really relaxed and got back into painting and concentration wasn't an issue, I spent about three hours on the above painting, and really did try to ensure I included details and shadows to follow up on my tutor feedback of my paintings having an unfinished look about them. I am fairly happy with this finished painting, particularly given how unwell I feel! Including the soluble graphite under and over the watercolours seemed to really help to create definition and shadow, I think that is a combination I will be trying in future paintings.

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