Monday 10 June 2013

Part Four - Landscape Elements

IProject 1 - Linear Perspective

Exercise : Distance - preparatory drawings

I spent time carefully reading the introduction to this part of the course material particularly in light of my tutor feedback from the last assignment. Specifically I need to ensure that my paintings look finished and that I take them that step forward to proper completion. It feels like a bit of a cop out but I decided my urban landscape would be best attempted close to home as I am in hospital shortly. 

I worked on my first sketch using aquamarkers and soluble pencil. For this sketch I worked on A5 scale. My initial feeling towards this particular attempt is that perhaps the size of the page limited me, and the sketch appears as though I have hardly looked up! Although the horizon is a fence my eyeline doesn't seem to have risen above this. 

I then decided to work on A3 scale to see if this could "lift" my view of the urban scene. I spent quite some time on this drawing/sketch perhaps upwards of an hour and I am happier with the outcome of this second drawing. I started by drawing the cream house first and I think this then enabled me to see more if the trees, sky and houses further in the distance. After sketching in light lines I created more tone by working into the sketchy lines again. It was tempting to add colour to this drawing or to create more light and tone but I felt the more linear nature of this drawing would be a useful reference point for a future painting. 

I then went on to experiment with a fairly loosely painted sketch using masking fluid fairly freely across the page. The aim  of this sketch was to consider the colours I would like to include. I found that the earlier pencil sketch really had stood me in good stead for centring my image and ensuring I was able to include the various urban elements a second time and in a looser style. I have found the idea of working on an urban landscape a bit more enjoyable than the landscapes in Assignment 3, I think that although I love nature and the huge skies the buildings and Tarmac seem to have permanence which I seemed better able to capture. Perhaps it's the detail and precision or perhaps I was just in the right mood when I spent the afternoon on these three sketches. 

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