Saturday 4 May 2013

Assignment 3 - Concluding Logbook Notes

Reviewing my posts since I returned to my watercolour studies I can see it feels as though it has been quite a journey, in so few weeks! I do think that my painting with Hyacinth30 has really enabled me to "have fun" nd play with my watercolours while I then focus and concentrate on the exercises. I can see that my artistic attitude seems to have changed since my first delve into this course 12 months ago, I believe this change has happened as I have progressed through Textiles 1: Exploring Ideas as there is far more expectation to work independently in that particular module.

I think its fair to say I have enjoyed these last few weeks as I focus more on completing the watercolour module but I am not sure if landscape painting is for me. I would really appreciate some guidance in my Assignment Feedback around just how much the course "excercises" have to be adhered to and how much scope there is for me to find an alternative approach. I can see that the next assignment continues in the vein of landscape painting and I hope I can find a way of starting to enjoy landscape painting.

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