Monday 22 April 2013

Part 3, Project 2 Exercise: Mixing Greens 4

Photograph of bottle arrangement

Sketchbook page for testing colours

Final painting for Mixing Greens 4

I really enjoyed the way this exercise flowed from the previous one, having painted the first two bottles I was really keen to try more green mixing and putting the exercise learnings into practice. I tried to select bottles in various tones of green (I don't drink alcohol so my friends were happy to donate empty bottles!) Again as with the previous exercise I found having a scrap page to test the tones on before applying to my watercolour paper. Looking back at the scrap page I was interested to see how useful viridian was in the mixing of the appropriate colours, but looking further back to exercise 1 I can see just how many tones are based on combinations of viridian. The combinations used were viridian and burnt umber viridian and burnt sienna, viridian and yellow ochre, viridian and alizarin crimson, burnt umber and burnt sienna, viridian and ultramarine, viridian and sap green. I think the overlapping of the bottles meant I had more of a challenge for showing the bottles a viewed through glass.

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