Monday 22 April 2013

Part 3, Project 2 Exercise: Mixing Greens 3

For this exercise I worked on A3 paper.

I am continuing to work on 300gsm paper for all of my exercises as I am finding the paint handles so very differently on the lighter weight paper and I want to be able to handle the paint consistently.

These are the two bottles I chose to paint :-

The bottle on the left has far more brown and green tones than the bottle to the right, that has more clear apple green tones. I was also aware of the window frame behind the bottles which gave a distorted white line two thirds of the way down the bottles.

Here is the completed painting, I found that for this exercise I made continuous use of the sample pages created in Exercise Mixing Greens 1. I also made extensive use of a scrap sheet of paper to test the various tones before adding them to my watercolour page. The watercolours I used predominantly were viridian, burnt sienna and lemon yellow, as with this combination I was able to obtain the brown green tones. I found that the method of applying paint in different mixes per the exercise notes the more straightforward (righthand bottle) I think that some of the tones became a bit "samey" through applying layers of darker and lighter tones.

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