Wednesday 13 March 2013

Daily Focus

Having gathered together all of my materials for returning to Watercolour Practice I am feeling really enthused for tackling Assignment 3. I have read through the entire assignment this afternoon, and think that painting outside is going to be quite a challenge, however I am very fortunate to have a garden so I think I will be able to do much of the study on "green" based on different views. I am also hopefull I will be able to steal some painting time while we are off on long bike rides....when the weather gets better!

A few weeks ago there was a post on the OCA blog which really captured my imagination

I am very taken with the idea of practising my watercolour painting on a daily basis, simply by capturing a quick painting of something around the house or garden hopefully I will be able to refine my technique and gain more actual enjoyment from the painting process. I have decided to set myself the challenge of completing one painting per day for thirty days, rather than attempting to undertake a year long project.

A friend lent me the book The Tao of Watercolour and I am also hoping to work through this in any spare time I might hopefully have.

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