Monday 18 November 2013

Project 4 Themes and series - Painting 4 - Yellow orchid

Ink pen and aquamarker pen A5

Ink pen and aquamarker

Ink pen and aquamarker

Ink pen and aquamarker

Pen and watercolour wash

Yellow Orchid - Pen and watercolour

Yellow orchid - pen and watercolour - Detail

Yellow orchid - Detail

Yellow orchid - detail

I think this painting is a good example of my enthusiasm for painting fairly detailed observational watercolours. I felt in the melee of experimental ways of painting and using various mixed media I really wanted to paint a simply observational study. I completed a series of observational paintings and drawings which are above, and then settled on my final composition. I then decided that to commit to this painting properly I would use my permanent pen to draw my image from the outset. I feel this is significant progress, in the past all of my paintings would have begun life using a pencil line cautiously! When I compare this painting to some of my earlier still life observational paintings I can see I have used the watercolour fare more considerately and carefully, I feel it has still retained some of my fairly lively and free style but my application of paint has become fare more considered and I have developed the patience to build up texture and tone in a series of layers. After applying the paint I have then returned to the painting with my drawing pen. I have been careful not to get too carried away with the use of this pen, to overwhelm the watercolour laid onto the paper, and hopefully this come across in the finished painting. I think this style of painting is the one I am most comfortable with, from the outset pen and watercolour has really appealed to me and I have no doubt I will continue to take this approach in my textiles sketchbooks.

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